Great Phoenix House Market as of the Beginning of July
There has been so much misinformation about the real estate market in the national media lately...our goal is always to provide our...

Cromford Market Update
Here is our latest table of Cromford® Market Index values for the single-family markets in the 17 largest cities. The market continues to...

Phoenix Market Update as of the Beginning of May
There has been so much misinformation about the real estate market in the national media lately, and our goal is always to provide our...

Supply Down 36% Since October, Dropping 54 Listings per Day in April
For Buyers: It’s been an eventful 4 weeks, again. Conventional rates dropped from their high of 7.1% on March 2nd to 6.1% by April 5th....

Phoenix Housing Market...Highest Average Price Per Square Foot in 6 Months
The latest average price per square foot is over $279 meaning the highest pricing per square foot during the last 6 months was recorded...

After 200% Increase, Supply Still Nearly 40% Below Normal...Sale Prices Up 3.5% Since December
For Buyers: Rates defied industry predictions once again and rose over a point from 5.99% to 7.1% between February 2nd and March 2nd. For...

There has been so much misinformation about the real estate market in the national media lately, and our goal is always to provide...

Understanding the Mortgage Pre Approval Process
Whether you are a first-time home buyer, looking to buy a second home or an investment property, the first step is to understand the...

Accepted Contracts Up 86% in 5 Weeks: Phoenix Back to a Seller’s Market! But It’s Not 2020-2022
For Buyers: The Spring season is upon Greater Phoenix. February hosted the Waste Management Open and Super Bowl LVII this year, putting...

Goldman Sachs Making UnLikely Forecasts About AZ Housing Market
There was a story that ran this week that quotes Goldman Sachs making all kinds of unlikely forecasts. It has created quite a stir and...